Forbidden city map + best travel routes (From Local guide suggestion)

2023-11-02   Leo Kui      0

Located in the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached from the south through the Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tian’anmen). Ten-meter-high walls and a fifty-two-meter-wide moat surrounded the palace. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, the expansive architectural complex covers an area of 1,110,000 square meters. Each of the four sides has one gate, namely, the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south, the Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwu men) on the north, the Eastern and Western Prosperity Gates (Donghua men and Xihua men).

Immediately north of the Palace Museum is Prospect Hill (Jing Shan, also called Coal Hill), while the Wangfujing and Zhongnanhai neighborhoods lie to the east and west, respectively. Visitors will be excited to find historic sites, scenic parks, shopping malls, museums, and theatres near the Forbidden City. Conveniently located bus stops and subway stations provide easy access to transportation.

How do you make the best of your day and not miss the most exciting architecture and stories? How to travel to the Forbidden City and save time?

The Best route to cover all the Highlights

1. Furniture Gallary
2. Hall of Military Prowess
The Ceramics Gallery
3. Meridian Gate (Wumen)
4&5. Gallery Of Historic Architecture
(East Prosperity Gate
6. Hall of Wenhua (Gallery Of Painting And Calligraphy)
7. Outer court
8. Palace of Benevolent Tranquility–The Sculpture Galler
9. West 6 palaces
10. Imperial Garden
11. Inner Court
12. East 6 Palaces
13. Clock Hall
14. The Tools Of War Gallery
15. Jewelry hall
16. Gate of Divine Prowess

 2 hours walking route

1. 午门 Meridian Gate (Wumen)
2. 太和门 Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihemen)
3. 弘义阁 Pavilion of Spreading Righteousness (Hongyige)
4. 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian)
5. 中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghedian)
6. 保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohedian)
7. 乾清门 Gate of Heavenly Purity (Qianqingmen)
8. 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong)
9. 交泰殿 Palace of Union and Peace (Jiaotaidian)
10. 坤宁宫 Hall of Terrestrial Tranquility (Kunninggong)
11. 御花园 Imperial Garden
12. 神武门 Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwumen)

Half-day travel route

1. 午门 Meridian Gate (Wumen)
2. 武英殿 Hall of Military Prowess (Wuyingdian)
3. 太和门 Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihemen)
4. 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian)
5. 中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghedian)
6. 保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohedian)
7. 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong)
8. 交泰殿 Palace of Union and Peace (Jiaotaidian)
9. 坤宁宫 Hall of Terrestrial Tranquility (Kunninggong)
10. 东六宫区 East 6 palaces(Dongliugong)
11. 斋宫 Fast Palace
12. 宁寿宫区前朝(珍宝馆) Jewelry hall
13. 宁寿宫区后寝(珍宝、戏曲二馆和珍妃井)Changyinge and Zhen Fei well
14. 神武门Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwumen)

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